Don’t forget to click on the pics for larger sizes with captions
- Love the look of the console room these days
- The Doctor in his red coat entering the TARDIS
- Roundels!
- Traveling through space and time
- Maisie is not impressed with Clara
- Who are these guys?
- Always in trouble
- Close up of the armored guys’ weapon
- Great shot of the Doctor entering a corridor
- Close up in the corridor
- Nessie?
- Someone has seen Pan’s Labyrinth
- Rigsy!
- Zygon teeth
- Clara is a badass
- This image could be telling…
- Those little flying things are Daleks
- Something deep inside the Dalek city maybe?
- Ready for a shower
- Clara holding a knife to…
- Missy!
- Something grabs the Doctor’s face
- Another great shot of the Doctor
- So many different Daleks
- Clara confronts the Daleks
- Another blanket monster?
- …and again?
- You should put some aloe on that
- Looks like Odin
- The Doctor on a horse again despite Capaldi’s fear of them
- Looks like some kind of bug to me
- Maisie looking concerned
- Osgood running from…
- …another Zygon (or the same Zygon. They all look alike)
- This never stops making me smile
- Missy vs. a Dalek…yes!
- Running. Down. Corridors.
- I’m glad my cat doesn’t breath fire like this one
- I hope he doesn’t ruin that beautiful coat
- Saving the universe is ricky business
- Yup that is the Dalek Supreme from The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End but mor importantly behind him is a Special Weapons Dalek
- Why would the Doctor wear anything other than Ray-Bans?
- Nice to see Clara smiling again
- Definitely not a crook
- The Doctor reluctantly receives a hug from Clara
- Logo!